Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Keat´s Opus

From a radical point of view, this author expresses a wide range of feelings which are sublime and decadent. He proposes an intense trip through states, emotions and sensations which are part of his way of thinking and writing, too. However, this manifestation has the solitude as a referent and as a base of his last period of life. Those elements are in his sonnets: "When I have Fears that I may Cease to be" and "On Seeing the Ervin Marbles for the First Time". These works have romantics elements such as; night, loneliness, fear, time as a limitation of creativity, mortality, pain , sadness but, at the same time, they have light and sun as implicit dreams or expressions of being creating. He wrote them despite of his state, he created because of his needs, because of his pain.

Monday, August 18, 2008

How do I relate Kubla Khan?

Poetry has an unidentified pattern to describe it. In fact, it has different interpretations to analyse its structure. Poetry is more than a group of well ordered words. In this description, the poem Kubla Khan is a example about how poetry is covered by explanations which are more profound than the poem itself.

According to those extracts, this poem is a description of subtle and "external nature" which is an important part in it, because of its romantics roots. On the ther hand, it is not a simple poem, it is not a clear and accessible creation, which is a contradiction according to the second extract, because it is not simple enough. At the same time, I believe that poetry is not written for people it is written by people for themsleves as an ego-exercise, in other words, the third comment it is an example about how we have to support our comments despite of our own preferences, that is an element that poetry gives us to consider as future teachers.