Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Poetry as an eternal circle; “It has not time”.

September 1, 1939, by W.H. Auden.

This piece of writing, called September 1, 1939, was influenced by historical issues that supported Auden´s perspective. The invasion of Poland started in this year, generating a global chaos in which people learnt how to advance in a complex and negative scenario, called World War II. Those integrative and social beliefs were destroyed by weapons, armies and new politics that were trying to demonstrate power instead of ideas to progress. The majority of the feelings and situations, which have been developed into this poem, are a good representation of human evolution. Elements such as; war, destruction, fears, uncertainty, time and solitude are part of the eternal and permanent evolution of poetry or the eternal circle of writing.

According to Auden´s ideas, September 1, 1939, has a special treatment. Its lines have more than structures; they have a special rythm that contributes to create doubts and contradictory thoughts. September is the representation of a new state, a new society or a new war. “The unmentionable odour of death - Offends the september night” (September 1 ,1939.1st stanza) Death appears as a common element in this destroyed landscape, in which human beings are immersed without any possibilities of scaping, because Democracy has failed and dictators too. Using these references we can use this poem to analyze our reality, as an eternal and useful mirror. Social components are part of our daily routine, and Auden´s ideas were more than a specific tense. His ideas are complementing our times, producing the same feeling that provoked in those times. Stephen Spender says something interesting; “Only the world changes, and time its tense” (“In no man’s land”. 1st stanza) this means that the scenarios are changing but the ideas and feelings are almost permanents. Poetry has little alterations in its form, but the purpose and the objectives are the same.

Into its 9 stanzas, September 1, 1939, has a long and well developed structure. In the 4th stanza, there is an eternal reflection about ideologies; “But who can live for long - In an euphoric dream; - Out of the mirror they stare, - Imperialism´s face - And the international wrong”. This reflection about capitalism or imperialism was part of a social feeling which people hid into their hearts, because Second Wolrd War pulverized their dreams and hopes. Auden gave us an approach about future conditions in the social structure. Today we are immerse in the same chaos, without any real opportunities for lower and middle classes, which means that there are not hopes and dreams to believe in.

Using love as a hidden state into this gray poem, Auden proposes, in the 8th stanza; “We must love one another or die”, as a statement and as a prediction to overcome difficulties as a whole. According to this sentence, Obama´s last speech, was full of social comments, Obama said; “As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection”. These ideas are totally connected with Auden´s toughts about to love or to die. In fact, those elements are more than a coincidence, are part of the eternal movement of writing, the idea of common elements throughout time.

Destruction and wars were the fundamental topics to build this poem. But, Auden knew that feelings are permanent and they have not specific time. His words were constructed to not perish. Words that were a medicine to recuperate their patients, because their patients were people´souls. “Children afraid of the night – Who have never been happy or good” (September 1, 1939. 5th stanza) this expresses the solitude and the hopeless into the community. Uncertainty as a common rule, as a one way road, without any expectations about their lives. Moreover, Obama in his last speech said; “There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they´ll make the mortage or pay their doctors´s bills or save enough for their child´s college education”. Again, certain moments are eternal and continuous in the history of the world; it is a reiteration of circumstances which affects society in every time. Poetry has that cyclical characteristic into its spirit.

Finally, from a historical point of view, September 1, 1939, is a referent and at the same time, a creation which has not limits. This poem has not a defined frame of analysis. This “eternal poem” contains more than a specific message. It contains a wide range of interpretations, which have been present from its appearence to now. However, there is a common element in it; Poetry has not time. Auden was ahead of his time, writing this piece of writing which is a good reflection of how poetry has been mutating. But, its natural essence is the same, because poetry has not one owner. In fact, poetry has not internal time; it is always flowing through history and our minds.

Sources, available on-line:

Poem; September 1, 1939;

Obama´s last speech;

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