Friday, October 31, 2008

Stephen Spender´s poetry.

Through this analysis on Spender´s poetry, I appreciated how important and influenced he was by wars and conflicts. His thoughts were deep and strong in terms of emotions, feelings, fears and uncertainty. Spender was an explicit poet who connected people who were abandoned and forgotten. Those, who nobody considered as human beings, but as a mass, "armies", "battalions", or "the boy lying dead under the olive trees". Spender wanted to recuperate them, giving them value and a social position in our rigid structure. For instance, Spender on "Fall of a city" explains the declain of society and the idea of how those "young" who learnt, are now unlearnt or unable to face the ruins of the world.

"In no man´s land", Spender was influenced by Eliot and his poem " The waste land". Both, established the idea of changes, ruins, destruction in a blind society which can not deter this situation. According to Spender´s poetry, we are in nowhere, trying to assume something that we can not assume. We are trying to advance in a negative way, affecting the ones who do not have any options, those ones who are in the battle. Maybe, the battle is inside and not outside of our minds, and all of us are in the same silent battle.

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