Saturday, October 25, 2008

"A room of one´s own" by Virginia Woolf.

Virginia assumed that women are different and from that difference they can advance. This situation has a positive connotation in terms of how she realized that through writing she can encourage women to create without fears and pressure. From the moment that britain women obtained the suffrage, they advanced, but not only in writing, they could appreciate their abilities and possibilities to be respected in society. The idea of writing has changed in women perspectives. Society has changed the idea of writing as a unique male privilege. Female values were accepted to build an integral writing in which human beings are a whole in terms of objectives, wishes and hopes.
"Materpieces are the experience of the mass behind the single voice". A room of one´s own is a masterpiece which congregates the experience of the female mass. That hidden mass that has suffered through many years. Woolf has mentioned that " female novelists are limitated by their sex" .But Woolf was a visionary women trying to establish the idea of working with men as a supporting method of creation. She proposed that interaction to produce women´s progress, but not because of men. This proposal was the first intelligent step to achieve their goals in a hidden and intelligent way.

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