Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot. "The waste poem"

This poem appeared as a manuscript that was passing through many people during the years. It was a " waste poem", too."The Waste Land" was accepted and recognized, as an essential and contemporary piece of work.
As in a common place, where human beings are living, Eliot develops this poem that reveals the significant and decadent world in which we are surviving. Those ideas of death, chess, sermon, water and thunder express how people are trying to comprehend and analyze those artificial phenomenons created by humans, I mean, wars and conflicts. In terms of explanations, Eliot proposals are complex and solid. His representations of uncertainty are a common episode throughout years. Today we have been removed by an economical disorder which generates uncertainty and chaos too.
In the picture, there is a desolated placed without any base. But in the ruins and solitude, there is more than destruction, there are opportunities to create and invent, to solve and establish new positions and thoughts, new ideas and projects. As in a war, destruction is the first step to create and rebuild, in writing destruction means possibilities, changes, rewriting and new life. This model is at least pesimistic, but is the only way to advance in a dynamic and destructive society, problems are opportunities to create, to imagine.

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