Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Odour of Chrysanthemums by D.H.Lawrence

This story is another brief description about the life of a couple which is part of the working class. These characters are immerse in a routine that is affecting their lives and relationship. The woman is the passive actor, who has to accept and assume that her husband is a disruptive element in her life. Both have been affected by their environments, destroying the pure belief that congregated them. According to our review in literature, this story is another representation of fears, solitude and death. Fears, because Elizabeth has a confusion, instead of being free of chains( because her husband has died) at the end of the narration. Solitude, because both characters are together, and alone, at the same time. Death, because she felt that her life was a new one but, she didn´t know if this situation should be an opportunity or a static state without future. These ideas have been present through our classes, death is a recurrent episode in our readings and, at the same time, in real life.

1 comment:

Maria Jose said...

I agree with you about the passive character who has negative effects on the family. In addition I think that death of the husband can bring negative or positive consequences to the family.