Sunday, September 14, 2008

Frankenstein as a Social Mirror.

This novel is a unique piece of writing which was created during a romantic and dynamic social movement. While people were being absorved by political and social changes, Mary Shelley supported her thoughts into this new perspective, which promoted a fluent imagination and a sensible perspective to admire nature and historical issues through time. Her creation adopted a new form of writing, also her construction absorved those social and spiritual elements, that were her personal experiences and her cultural input. This new perspective involves concepts such as; death, birth, fears, creation and destruction. Also, the novel is a representation of social exclamations which are part of its themes. According to industrialization, people understood that their lives were changing in this cicle, that promoted interaction, in order to create new bonds between them. In other words, people reacted as agents in a society that was opressing them surprisingly.

Victor Frankenstein is the element that develops human beliefs, fears and social objectives in the novel. Victor supported a general vison about, how the world was changing, despite of its positive and negative implicancies. In fact, in those times society was acquiring a different way of thinking, criticizing injustices and economics differences. As a positive element, they reacted to diminish inequality and social abuse.

The novel gives us a wide range of interpretations, despite of that, there are common elements that has been present through time. One of those elements, is the idea of how much influence society has on individuals. Maybe it is a simple and deep question to answer. In general terms, Victor Frankenstein, the brain of the creation, developed a fluent imagination to observe and to prove the idea of create a kind of human through scientific experiments. These experiments were a challenge, in terms of facing natural and human limits. Victor administrated his knowledge, power and courage to face reason and human limits, those were the inputs that helped him to achieve his final goal; “ Te Creature”.

The creature was a real component of society and his life was restricted by society too. The creature was abandoned, while the first idea was integrate this experiment in a progressive way but, Victor reacted in a negative way because of his result. In other words, the implicit message is that society was the supportive element and the destructive one, too.While the creature was trying to participate in the world, this world was discriminating him and rejecting him. Despite of that, the creature advanced and educated himself supported by families. He observed and learnt how to survive in the world. The idea of surviving, represents a concept which has been present through years, therefore, the creature was imbued by the lack of opportunities that society and people have generated. In fact, we do not know exactly if people have survived or if they have lived into this great confusion. Moreover, society has changed but those changes has been negative expressions of decadence.

On the other hand, social input or education have promoted a restrictive and guided process of changing. Education was the first theme to integrate the creature into the world, but education and socialization determined a perspective without any future, the results were a negative output that affected the creature in his perspective. At the same time, Victor had not limits in his mind, he was advancing without any remorses, until he realized of the result. He manipulated social and natural limits affecting the natural course of life. Instead of facing the result, he escaped of it, he neglected it, producing terrible consequences in his life and people´s lives.

The idea of evading problems is another theme which has been crucial. Victor evaded his creation and his life. Hitherto, society is evading realism and people tend to use others mechanisms such as; materialism and technology to do not face the true, because reality and their lives are cruel. Victor had to face his true, but it was a hard work for him, because anybody wants to face and solve his past. Moreover, we are living in a dynamic and cruel society which prefers to escape of its state. Society is advancing without any conscious purpose and without solving destructive problems such as; global warming, pollution, wars, consumism and individualism.

Finally, Frankenstein is a mirror in which we have to appreciate ourselves. We are the creator and the creature, we have been educated and miseducated too. We are evading problems and promoting others. Wherefore are we escaping, instead of assume our lives as perfective. As creatures, we are demanding attention and help, we are demanding support and love, but it is not enough to rebuild our society. The keys are; analysis, reflection and action as the mottoes of progress and integration. Frankenstein has been a literary piece which has presented the idea of how well prepared we are to face the world as teachers and human beings.

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