Monday, September 1, 2008

The Birth of a Monster. Reason and Limits.

According to Woodbridge, the idea of Mary´s experiences and how these experiences affect her life in terms of thinking and writing, are important elements to clarify and analyse the text and its intentions. Most of the time, we are inmerse in a vicious circle that affects our knowledge and behaviour too. In fact, society promotes to acquire more and more knowledge, but there is a line between being reasonable and being frozen by that social input. I mean, we are like Victor who created that creature, and at the same time we are the creature who is trying to advance in this competitive world, but we do not know how to manage that intelectual power, which is affecting our life. Moreover, if do not appreciate ourselves as perfective, we could not advance in a destructive and demanding society.

Education and socialization were both the components of a cruel understanding about his reality and his life. Frankenstein realized that he was imperfect and destroyed himself. He was a representation of how people´s prejudices affect the normal process of growing. That is the reason why knowledge has to be controlled in order to acquire ideas, methods and values to support those elements which might destroy our lives.


Sergio said...

Yeah, I agree with you. To be honest, I would sometimes like to freeze life, but only to stop for a moment and devote time to thinking and asking ourselves what's been done wrong. I really hope some people don't lose the capacity to reflect upon what needs to be changed. See you Monday!

Claudia Trajtemberg said...

Hi Jorge,
I think your idea of being immersed in a vicious circle is powerful and contemporary. Being Victor and the monster (Frankenstein the creator and the monster who actually didn´t receive a name) is like playing a game whose winner is nobody. But, at the same time, the desire for knowledge and perfection is part of human nature. Maybe the thing is how to use that knowledge and for what purpose.

As you´ve mentioned it in your reflection, prejudices may have a very negative impact on man´s education and socialization. Therefore, setting the boundaries, and having clear principles may help use knowledge for man´s benefit.

Would you use examples of Frankenstein in your classes, what would you choose to teach then?