Monday, September 8, 2008

"The Signal Man". Progress and Evolution; Involution.

The idea of progress in the Victorian age was contradictory and influential. In "The Signal Man" Dickens shows, how expansion and its changes affects society and its components. For instance, the Signal Man who works in the line, is not part of the progress. He is out of the line of progress, at the same time, he is trying to control trains but he can not do it , despite of his experience. The apparitions that affected him were an alert about how human beings will be exceed because of this modern idea of society. Social components, were influenced by this transition between progress and industralization, while some people is living, others are surviving and overcoming those changes, which are rebuilding and promoting a new society. Society is a "nuclear word", which means participation and integration, instead of exclusion and a passive state. The Signal Man offers a simple, subtle and implicit message about how we are taking part of a destructive society without any remorses.

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