Saturday, October 18, 2008

Error corrections

The blue words are the new ones.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"The Rocking Horse Winner" By D.H. Lawrence.

Life has pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, which can be represented by personal, social or family problems. According to this story, problems are in the nuclear family which is the central element in children´s lives. This family has been affected by a disruptive mother who can not live according to her social reality. She spends more than she has, which is the wrong operation. However, her son Paul, is growing up in this environment that affects his life. He has discovered how to ride the horse, in order to guess the "winner". Despite of that, the idea of being a lucky person is a constant goal in their lives. Her mother has been unlucky, and Paul wants to be a lucky person to obtain money. But those ideas are in the opposite way, because life is not measurable through money, life is not measurable through luck, life is measurable according to how many kilometres have you advanced in your perfective identity. Finally, Paul, can not enjoy what he has won, her mother was the unlucky winner , in terms of experiences and in terms of improving her relations. In this case, good luck means lack of luck.

The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen By Graham Greene

This is a short story which contains many ideas and topics related to people in the same place but, in a different mental space. I mean, the idea of observing, as the narrator did, an the idea of being observed, are both components of our society, in which we are observers and observed.
As the narrator explains, the japanese gentlemen are a particular group with particular attitudes in a physical space. At the same time , they are a common group, as components of the same restaurant. On the other hand, the couple were in the opposite side of the story, in terms of ideas and goals, but they are components of the whole, too. In other words, we are different in isolation, but when we are inmmerse, we represent the same, despite of our ideas and interests. We are part of the mass. Therefore, if you do not observe each particular case, you should not appreciate the significant differences between people. Observing, you can analyse any particular case at school, any particular difference, to solve it, to correct it, as an omniscient narrator in your own book.

1 comment:

Javi said...

hi george:
I'm Javiera, the student of geography.
I had an activity in where i write a letter in my blog about you. Please read it and answer something to me